Saturday, February 7, 2009

Virtually Real

I saw a discussion on one of the sites about the possibility that this universe isn't actually real but a hologram. Thinking about the advancements made in technology during the last hundred years, I think it could be a possibility but it creates some mind boggling questions. 100 years ago there was only 300 km of paved road in North America, indoor plumbing was a luxury available to a small minority of the population, cars and planes were in the prototype stage, 95 % of doctors had no college education and the population of Los Vegas was 30. If technology has advanced this far in 100 years, what will it be like in another 100 or 1000 or 10 000 years. There are places in our universe which are much older than we are and so the existence of technology that could give us the perception of reality may be possible.
If this is a hologram, then something created it and is running it. The questions that pop into my possibly holographic mind are; Am I the only one and the rest of the universe just part of my hologram? If this is a hologram, what actually am I and what actually is the universe like? What would be the purpose of creating a hologram that consumes time and energy? Why would an entity create a virtual world. I guess it could be for entertainment, much like we create a complex, multi-level computer game. Perhaps it could be a competition or an exercise to increase skill in the entity's world. If this indeed the case, why and how are why self-aware? While I recognize the possibility of the universe being a virtual reality, I think that it is improbable because we are self-aware. Of course, an entity that has a technology advanced enough to create this world of sensations, emotions, and immense variety may have motives beyond my ability to fathom also.

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