Sunday, February 8, 2009

Eye Sight

The eye is a highly complex organ. There is no benefit for a creature to have a partially created eye that is not functional. The energy it takes to maintain a non-functioning eye would actually be a disadvantage in the fitness of the creature and so should not have been selected in the first place and should not continue. Yet, to create an eye there must have been thousands of intermediary steps, all of which were of no use to the organism and consumed energy to get to a fully functioning eye. One site I visited claimed that the eye started as a light sensitive spot on the skin and then evolved to become more complex. I can see where a spot that recognizes where light is coming from would be an advantage and even possible but any working eye is made up of highly complex inter dependant parts. I can't see how these parts could evolved beyond the light sensitive stage. Besides this, the fossil model has the eye evolving within a few million years, a relatively short period of time in the grand scheme of things. It requires more faith for me to believe that this happened by chance than to believe that some kind of creator was involved.

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