Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First Animal

In the journal "Nature" there is an interesting study done by a team at Brown University in Rhode Island. The team was shocked to find by studying genetic data that the comb jelly was the first animal in the evolutionary tree, not the simpler sponge. The comb jelly has connective tissue and a nervous system which are absent in the sponge. If evolution is actually the way that things happened, this would mean that the complexity of living things took a large leap to get to the complex comb jelly first and that the comb jelly then devolved to create the simpler sponges and then went back to evolving into more complex again. This seems unlikely to me.
I am thinking that pure evolution is extremely unlikely. If there is evolution, it seems probable that it had some creator tweaking it every now and then to keep it on the right track. It has too holes in it otherwise.

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