Sunday, January 18, 2009

E.T. hasn't called

The existence of beings other than those on earth are possible for both sides of the universe debate. Evolutionists say that if life happened by chance here, it could have happened by chance elsewhere. I've seen one site that actually estimated the probability of life occurring elsewhere in our galaxy and concluded that among the approximately 200 billion solar systems in our galaxy, the odds are that there are 15 planets that have produced life. Creationists say that if God created beings on earth, He could just as easily have created them elsewhere. Many years ago I talked with someone who said that the Bible made reference to life forms from other worlds. If there are other beings out there, why haven't they contacted us?
I am astounded by the advances we have made in the last 100 years. One hundred years ago, there were a few rudimentary cars and planes, about 300 km of paved road in all of North America, few phones, very little indoor plumbing and the life expectancy was 47. Now we have computers, the International Space Station, nuclear bombs, heart and lung transplants, iphones, 800 metre high buildings and Mars rovers. It stands to reason that technology will continue to advance and some day we will be able to travel to other stars. If there are extra terrestrials, some of them should be thousands, millions or billions of years older than us. If there are, they should have developed the technology for space travel and should have detected our planet. So, why haven't we seen them? There are a few options. 1)We could be alone in the universe. 2)Aliens could have actually visited us and the tabloids are not as far off as we believe. 3)There could be some kind of galactic organization that puts our world off limits for some reason. 4)The alien life could be so different than ours that it has been here and we don't recognize it.

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