Sunday, March 1, 2009

Conclusions from the Big Picture

Taking a look at the universe itself, there are some things that I could say about the being that created it. Obviously it took a great deal of power to create something the size and with the amount of energy in the universe. I don't know if you could conclude that this being is all powerful. He/She/It certainly could be but I don't see any strong evidence either way. I would also say that this being has a penchant for order as the rules of gravity, space/time, energy are constant and stable. The creator probably has some kind of needs or motivation. Why else create something if not to satisfy some kind of longing/desire. He/She/It must also be very creative as the variety of heavenly bodies indicates. He/She/It probably has some kind of planning personality. The elements and the precise requirements in the first few instances after the big bang indicate that this creation was thought out beforehand.